The Step-by-Step Guide to implementing holistic estate planning
- Introduction – 7 Steps to Success to Implementing View’s Turn-Key Adviser Facilitated Estate Planning Platform
- Step 1 – Choose your membership level in the AdVIEWser Community
- Step 2 – Understand each aspect of the Adviser Facilitated Estate Planning process
- Step 3 – How to position your service offering to customers
- Step 4 – Select an adviser facilitated package
- Step 5 – Capture your learnings, improve your systems
Getting Started
- What is the role of the adviser in View’s adviser facilitated estate planning platform?
- Does View help position estate planning directly with my customer?
- If I select a service level package, will View always assist on the basis of my choice?
- How do I submit a Free Review?
- Estate Planning Guide
- Word version of View Legal Estate Planning Questionnaire
View Communities
- How do I cancel my membership?
- How to access the Accreditation exam for AdVIEWser?
- Accessing the online webinar library that is part of your Techniview (BFF and Family) community membership
- How do I fix or resubscribe to View Communities membership that has paused or cancelled?
- How to access View Community
- How much engagement and guidance will I receive as a member of the View community?
Troubleshooting Data Entry for AFEP
- How to save my partially completed interview?
- Why are no testamentary trust wills only available via a customised scope from View?
- How to review the estate planning instructions in Online Interview (aka HotDocs) prior to pressing the Submit button
- What information does View Legal require for estate planning instructions?
- Can a Will be prepared contemplating a future marriage and or divorce?
- How to enter the name of the party in the relevant section in the HotDocs interview
Problem accessing your account or links
- Customer has issues with their legal identification documents (i.e. incorrect last name, date of birth). Can a Will be prepared?
- Do I need to provide my customer with the View Legal costs agreement and disclose fees?
- My customers are overseas – can View post the documents internationally?
- Can View assist where a customer does not speak English?
- Why am I not receiving emails from View Legal in my inbox?
- How do I send a customer referral to View Legal?
Accreditation (Estate Planning)
- Is the Adviser Facilitated Estate Planning for you and your business?
- In a post Royal Commission world and all the hurdles with FASEA, do I really need to do View CPD as well?
- What does the Accreditation Exam entail?
- How do I get accredited with View Legal as an estate planning specialist facilitator?
- Can I share my View accreditation number with other members of my firm?
- How does accreditation help me with my customers?
Attorney and Guardian documents
- Can financial advisers/planners be a qualified witness in Western Australia?
- Attorney and guardianship documents in New South Wales
- Can a licenced conveyancer witness EPA and EPG documents in New South Wales?
- What do New South Wales lawyers generally charge for witnessing attorney documents?
- Will View work with a law firm or conveyancing firm that an adviser partners with for the purposes of witnessing attorney documents prepared by View?
- Why do some New South Wales lawyers argue some specialist provisions in the View attorney documents are not appropriate?
Document Execution
- Visual Instructions - How to execute Application for probate and Affidavit supporting probate application for QLD
- Pre-filling the names of witnesses in the estate planning documents
- Virtual witnessing
- Visual Instructions - How to execute a Queensland enduring power of attorney document
- Visual Instructions - How to execute TAS Instrument Appointing Enduring Guardians document
- Visual Instructions - How to execute TAS General Enduring Power of Attorney document
Estate Planning Toolkit
- Ethical Wills
- Qualified Independent Advice Certificate
- Why are testamentary trusts potentially relevant, even if all beneficiaries are adult children?
- How can I access View’s mobile apps?
- Checklist - Foundation questions to assist with planning a robust estate plan
- Where have all the View resources gone?
Probate and Estate Administration
- VIC Grant of Probate – original grant and certified copies
- How should the original probate document issued by the court be stored?
- Do we need to provide a ‘hard’ certified copy of the grant of probate?
- Are the costs to manage the tax affairs of a deceased person (as opposed to those of the deceased estate) deductible?
- How are expenses of the estate paid for before the executors have access to estate funds?
- How is it determined whether probate is going to be necessary in relation to a deceased’s will?
Problems with making a Payment or Checking Out
- How do I make payment for a specific amount?
- As an adviser can we take fees upfront from customers for View’s services?
- Have added a product to my cart but it is saying I will be contacted as there is a problem. How do I continue with my purchase?
- Error message when trying to book an event or webinar ticket from mail out received to your inbox
- Paying with Your Credit Card
- System seems to loop back on ‘My Cart’ after I entered card details?
Secure Storage
- Can I request complete scanned copies of my customers signed estate planning documents?
- What is View’s secure storage process?
- How do I access documents for my customer when they have lost capacity?
- Why would I store documents with View legal when there is a fee to access them?
- Why is there a fee to release my customer’s documents from secure storage?
- I am the adviser and I lodged the document – I should be able to request the release of it without all this drama