- Can a firm that orders documents through View Legal’s platform ensure that they are not deemed to be providing legal advice?
- Can View Legal issue independent legal review certificates requested by banks or financiers
- Correspondences** AKA banks being banks
- Do resolutions signed by individual trustees need to be witnessed?
- Do the View template documents adopt a prescriptive or permissive drafting approach?
- Does the execution clause in the View Legal trust deeds need to refer to a company signing under s127 of the Corporations Act?
Coronavirus (COVID19) FAQs
- Why hasn’t my mail been collected from the Post Office?
- In light of the COVID situation, can I still post documents to View Legal for secure storage?
- What can I do as an advisor to keep my clients safe?
- What measures are you taking to ensure printed documents are safe from contamination?
- How can I get documents witnessed with social distancing and self isolation?
Document templates
- Structure diagram and family tree
- Shareholders and Unitholders Agreement terms sheet
- Consents to act as officeholder of a company
- Referral Agreement terms sheet
- Shareholders Agreement terms sheet
- Partnership terms sheet
Fact Sheets
- What is View Legal’s privacy policy and how can I access it
- 20 Point Checklist – Trust Review
- View Legal discretionary trust solutions
- Trust overview
- Entity comparison table
- Insurance Funded Buy Sell Agreements
- Does the existence of firearms need to be disclosed?
- Why does View not provide ‘estimates’, ‘guesstimates’, ‘indicative price ranges’ and instead ‘only’ offers service guaranteed upfront fixed pricing on an agreed scope of work?
- Why does View ask to see copies of financial statements for all entities in a group as part of an estate planning review?
- What is the purpose of the following disclaimer in the Legal Review Certificate? “We have not reviewed the answers provided to the online questions or the appropriateness of the documents for the client circumstances”
Investment Strategy
- Is the View Legal Investment Strategy suitable for a client with an SMSF which has investment reserves?
- Lifecycle of a member for the Investment Strategy
- Is the providing of a template investment strategy financial advice?
- Does the Investment Strategy product include an option to set out diversification considerations?
Legislation and Tax Office Material
- Family Group Diagram (FTE)
- ATO PS LA 2003/12 – Practice Statement
- ATO Discussion Paper on Buy Sell arrangements
- ATO ID 2015/10: SMSF – life insurance and buy sell agreements
- ATO TD 2012/21 – Trust resettlements
- ATO TR 2004-D25 – Absolute Entitlement
Other helpful links
- Why when changing a trustee do all trustees retire, even if some are continuing?
- What are some of the key issues to consider in relation to trust owned buy sell insurance arrangements?
- Can you incorporate a change of trustee and deed of variation to trust terms, into a single document?
- Does View Legal assist with employee share schemes?
- Does a partner’s salary need to be set out in the partnership agreement?
- Can the settlor of a trust be provided by View Legal?
Webinar - Additional Resources
- 20 Point Checklist – Trust Review
- ATO Taxation Ruling (Withdrawn) 2006/4
- Gina Rinehart letter (3 September 2011)
- Possible Rinehart Ruling
- Section 102AG Income Tax Assessment Act 1936
- Tantalising opportunities for trust restructures under new Subdiv 328-G