Getting Started
- How do I position my customer for an estate planning annual health check?
- Which service level is best for you and your customer?
- How can I position the value that I am providing to my customer when providing this solution?
- Are there any rules in relation to the pricing I can charge my customers for the estate planning annual health check I facilitate on their behalf?
- Why wouldn’t I just lodge a free review? Won’t I get the same results?
- My customer has not previously had their will done with View can I use this service?
- Why can’t I just use one View health check for all my customers?
- How often will the diagnostic tool be updated in the estate planning annual health check?
- If I use View’s estate planning annual health check, who is providing the legal advice?
- Is providing a customer an estate planning annual health check of their estate planning documents really providing legal advice if I am not a lawyer?